Saturday, October 26, 2013

Frassati at Petit Jean Mountain

What an incredibly beautiful day for hiking at Petit Jean Mountain. We were delayed by a busted train in town, but it wasn't a show stopper. We saw a lot, enjoyed being together, and finished with some excellent food.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Moses to Mary

This past Thursday, we finished our study on Moses. Luke Bryan was in town, and several people went to his concert. Finishing the video, we were really surprised at how much foreshadowing there was in relation to the New Testament. This Thursday, we'll move on to learning more about Mary.
Chapter 1: The Daughter of Zion 
Mary was a typical Jewish girl in many ways. She was specially chosen to be the New Eve, made “full of grace” to bring Jesus—the Word of God— into the world. At the Announcement (or Annunciation) of the angel Gabriel, Mary said “Yes” to God and became the Mother of God. With the Incarnate Word in her womb, this young teenage girl became the Ark of the New Covenant, and a fulfillment of some very important Old Testament types and prophecies.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Upcoming Event - Hiking at Petit Jean on October 26

Petit Jean Mountain is an absolutely amazing place to visit.  On Saturday, October 26, join us for a trip to Petit Jean. We'll do a little hiking and really see God's glorious creation up close. We'll have lunch, look around, and take advantage of the beautiful surroundings to spend some time in reflective prayer through Lectio Divina (a traditional Benedictine practice). I promise you'll be glad you came. Let's meet at the parish admin office at 9:15am. We'll leave at 9:30 and be back by 3pm. If you have any questions, please shoot me an email, text, or call. Hope to see you there!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

10/10 Frassati Study Group - Moses

(We did not finish this week, so we'll get to Chapter 4 next week.)

Chapter 3 - Not by Bread Alone
The change of scenery was dramatic—from lush greeneryto sand and rocks. Food and water were not to be found. The great escape now seemed like a suicide march. Even though the Hebrews grumbled, God freely gave them all the provisions needed for the journey to the Promised Land. These provisions were types of the sacraments that Jesus would later institute. God spoke to the people at Mount Sinai and formed them into a nation with a covenant and a law. But they continually rebelled against God and grumbled and he condemned the unbelieving generation to wander in the wilderness for forty years before the new generation could enter the Promised Land.

Next week (10/17), Chapter 4: "Listen to Him"

Our QR Code

Here is our QR code for smartphones and tablets. Try it out!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Respect Life Sunday

Today is respect life Sunday. Our mission is to pray for all unborn babies that their mothers will choose life, and to remember the over 50,000,000 abortions that have been performed since 1973 Roe vs Wade. Pray not only for the aborted child but for the mother these mothers need prayers too because this act will change her life. Join me today with other members of our church from 2-3 at the intersection of Harkrider and Oak st for the Life chain in an hour of silence and prayer for the respect of Life.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Frassati Feeds Confirmation Students

Members of Frassati recently volunteered their time to help the St. Joseph Confirmation class. Students in the class were spending the weekend on retreat, and we were able to provide them with lunch. Pizza and popsicles (not pizza popsicles) seemed to be a crowd pleaser.

Katie, Joe, and Mike introduced the kids to Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati through a question and answer sessions. Winners won first pick at the popsicle assortment.

Left over pizza was donated to Bethlehem House.

Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, please pray for all of our confirmation students. Pray that each one will open themselves up more fully to the Holy Spirit and grow ever closer in their relationship with the Lord.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Moses - Signs, Sacraments, and Salvation

Tonight we began the two parts series on Moses. The host, Steve Ray, is a best-selling author and popular Bible teach. We watched chapter 1 and 2 and saw many of the places Moses is thought to have visited thousands of years ago.

Chapter 1:
Steve first reviews the time when the children of Israel became slaves in the land of Egypt. As the Israelites continued to grow in number, the king of Egypt feared their growing size and instructed the midwives to kill new born boys.

The classic story of Moses' birth, placing in the basket in the Nile River, and being found by the Pharaoh's daughter is told. Moses is given his name which means "I drew him out of water".

Moses grows up in the pharaoh's family.

After he was grown, he one day he witnesses an Egyptian severely beating of one of Moses' kinsmen. Moses kills the Egyptian, buries him in the sand, and flees to Midian. (Exodus 2:11-12)

(more tomorrow)
The study guide can be found here: